- ♪ Give me the Bible ♪ >>Today we are blessed with a wonderful gift from God, the Bible. This book is God's living Word. In its pages, we are told, "For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword." It is in this Book of Books that we find the answers to all of men's questions and need. This morning, your area Churches of Christ welcome you to a program committed to that perfect law of liberty. ♪ Thy light shall guide thee in the narrow way ♪ >>As we present "The Living Word." ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪ ♪ 'Til night shall vanish in eternal day ♪ >>Now here is your host, Ray Sullins. ♪ Give me the Bible ♪ >>Jesus once proclaimed, "You are my friends if you do whatever I command you," John 15:14. Good morning, and thank you for choosing to be with us this day for "The Living Word" program. And we're excited to have you with us for this time of offering, as well as the encouragement we'll receive by participating in those things which are commanded by God. And we're glad that you have joined us for this time of worship to our Creator. Our commitment this morning is to give glory to our God through the singing of songs of praise, and through the study of His perfect Word. And I hope and pray that we will each do our part to make this time of service acceptable in his sight. And as we begin our offering to God this day, will you bow with me before his mighty throne in prayer? Our God and Father in heaven, we are so thankful for this, another day of life. We are thankful, Father, for we know that all blessings come from you, all blessings above, and all blessings, certainly Father, that are of an earthly nature, and a spiritual nature. And Father, we love you, and we're thankful for the gift most of all of Jesus, the sacrifice that he made, as well as his resurrection on the third day. Father, we know that through your grace, love, and mercy, that someday we'll be justified through what Christ has done for us, and that certainly when he judges all, we will be found faithful if we have been committed until the end. And Father, we ask that you'll help us at this time, as we show our love to you by worshiping you, that we might in spirit and true, do all those things that are according to your perfect will. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Today we'll begin with a hymn, which reminds us that our God guides us every step of the way. So the question is, how are we responding to God's direction? At this time, won't you join him with the congregation as we sing together, "Have You Counted the Cost." ♪ There's a line that is drawn ♪ ♪ By rejecting our Lord ♪ ♪ Where the call of his Spirit is lost ♪ ♪ And you hurry along ♪ ♪ With the pleasure mad throng ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ If your soul should be lost ♪ ♪ Though you gain the whole world for your own ♪ ♪ Even now it may be ♪ ♪ That the line you have crossed ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ You may barter your hope ♪ ♪ Of eternity's morn ♪ ♪ For a moment of joy at the most ♪ ♪ For the glitter of sin ♪ ♪ And the things it will win ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ If your soul should be lost ♪ ♪ Though you gain the whole world for your own ♪ ♪ Even now it may be ♪ ♪ That the line you have crossed ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ While the door of his mercy is open to you ♪ ♪ E'er the depth of his love you exhaust ♪ ♪ Won't you come and be healed ♪ ♪ Won't you whisper I yield ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ ♪ If your soul should be lost ♪ ♪ Though you gain the whole world for your own ♪ ♪ Even now it may be ♪ ♪ That the line you have crossed ♪ ♪ Have you counted ♪ ♪ Have you counted the cost ♪ >>This morning we began with a verse which reminds us that we need to have God as a friend. Furthermore, we learned that we are friends of God by obeying his commandments. Certainly friendship is an important topic found throughout the Word of God. In fact, we see that Jesus also instructed us to be friendly if we want to be befriended by others. I remember in the Old Testament, probably one of the most famous friendships ever mentioned in the Bible, that is the friendship between Jonathan and David. Jonathan was the son of Saul, David's main enemy. Yet they nurtured a friendship, which we call and really consider from 1 Samuel 18:3. There we read, "Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as he loved his own soul." Notice here that a true friend loves the other friend as they love their self. Kind of sounds familiar, doesn't it? Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 22:39? There we have clarified for us the second and greatest commandment, which we are to follow. And the verse says, "And the second is likened to it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself." We must all learn to be true neighbors and friends, by treating others as we want to be treated, and by loving others as we love ourselves. If we can learn this lesson from God's Word, and apply it in our lives, just think how much our lives would be better, and the types of relationships that we would have in our lives with those who are our friends. You see, the wise man, Solomon, even concluded, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother," Proverbs 18:24. Are you proving yourself to be friendly, and do you treat your friends like brothers? Why not follow the example that Jesus gave us in order that you might be pleasing in his sight, and be a friend to the world, even as he was? Today we'll be continuing our series, which is entitled "The Works of the Flesh." And our next lesson together will focus on the word lewdness. So please continue with us this morning, and in a few minutes we will return with this lesson of the day, and I will be leading these thoughts at the appropriate time. It's now time to join in our second song in the morning. The name of the hymn, "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less." ♪ My hope is built on nothing less ♪ ♪ Than Jesus' blood and righteousness ♪ ♪ I dare not trust the sweetest frame ♪ ♪ But wholly lean on Jesus' name ♪ ♪ On Christ the solid Rock I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪ ♪ When darkness veils his lovely face ♪ ♪ I rest on his unchanging grace ♪ ♪ In every high and stormy gale ♪ ♪ My anchor holds within the veil ♪ ♪ On Christ the solid Rock I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪ ♪ When he shall come with trumpet sound ♪ ♪ Oh may I then in him be found ♪ ♪ Dressed in righteousness alone ♪ ♪ Faultless to stand before the throne ♪ ♪ On Christ the solid Rock I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪ >>We're so glad you continue with us now, as we go to God's Word, and look at another lesson in relationship to our series that we've considered from the book of Galatians 5. And what we've been trying to do is we've been trying to look at those things, perhaps in a even positive way, that are negative, to help us to understand if we simply will refrain, or stay away from certain types of sin, then we can be found pleasing to God. And as I said, most people normally say, "Well, these are very negative types of sermons, or are very maybe offensive types of sermons." And that's really not the intent at all. The idea is to simply cover the Word of God, as we know that we are people who, once we become Christians, we are striving to walk according to the light of God, and in the love of God. And therefore we understand that by becoming a new creation, or a new creature, that we've died to the old man of sin and darkness. And you and I well know that the old man of sin and darkness, or the man of the world, is a man who participates in ungodly or sinful things. And so here within the list of Galatians 5, we see that contrast being given. There are those who choose to walk in the Spirit, and therefore they are doing the things according to the fruit of the Spirit. But then in the negative, or from the negative standpoint, there also are those who choose to walk in the way of the flesh, and therefore they are doing the works of the flesh. And so you might begin by noticing with me that these are actions, actions of flesh, actions within the flesh of the body that we choose to do, that we already know are contrary to God. And so the positive ideas is that I know if I lie, and lying's a sin, and I choose that I will not lie, then I'm going to be found pleasing to God. I'm going to be found someone who is righteous, and not guilty of that type of a sin. And so that's the purpose of our discussion. Many of these lessons you'll say, "Well, I don't have a problem with that. I haven't struggled, or I don't struggle with fornication, or adultery, or uncleanness," or as we'll look at today, "lewdness." And praise be to God, I'm glad that you're able to have maybe overcome those things, or never have dealt with those things. But as we go through the list, sometimes there are many things, such as we'll get to later, jealousies, or divisive things, or envy against others. Sometimes we have been guilty of those things. So as we go through, hopefully they'll be some things that will challenge Ray, things that will challenge you. And you might put your name there, and say, "Well, maybe that's something I could work on, or maybe that's something I have a little bit of a problem with, even though I really don't struggle with these other works of the flesh." But then know that maybe your neighbor, or your friends, or your coworkers, or others that you interact with in life, family might be struggling with some of those things. So it's still important that we cover those. And then it also cautions us not to be come engaged, or involve ourselves in a situation where I say, "Oh, well I remember, that's something against the will of God. That's something that will keep me from the kingdom of God. So I don't wanna partake in those things, or be involved in those types of things." So hopefully you can see the important benefit by looking at some of these, maybe we might say negative things, or specific sins within the flesh, works, actions of the flesh, that are against the will of God, that are unrighteous according to the will of God. And those things ultimately then that would keep us from heaven, if unrepented of. And so the challenge then would be is if we are guilty, if I'm guilty of the these things, or any of these things, I need to repent. And if I repent, what will the blood of Jesus do? It will forgive me, and put me once again on the right course. So we're going to look at the idea of the fourth concept that is given today, and that is the word that is found there, lewdness. It's also found in verse 19. You might notice within the breakdown that the first four sins all have to do with sins that are of a sensual nature, or what we might actually say of a sexual nature. So if you'll notice with me there again, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, and lewdness, these all have to do with fleshly things, natures of the flesh that are uncontrolled, desires that are uncontrolled, usually in a physical or a sexual way. And so it's important to see that this was a problem in the churches of Galatia. It's important to see that it was a problem amongst those of Corinth. And really you can address any of the churches, and see the continual warnings of walking in the Spirit, walking in the light, and staying away from the darkness. And one of the primary issues that Paul and other writers of the New Testament always brought up were these types of sins. Because from the very beginning of time, these have been the sins that have plagued man, not the only sins, but certainly the sins that have plague man of a very open and vile nature. We can even go back to stories in the Old Testament, what about in Noah's day what was going on? Think of all the intents, and the wickedness of man's heart being acted out in sin. And what about in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the great sins of a sexual nature? So this isn't something new. Somebody says, "Well again, I'm offended." This isn't something new. This is something the world has always struggled with. And guess what? Until the Lord comes again, we will always struggle with these things. And so I'm thankful to God that he reminds me in his Word, "Watch out, Brother Ray." Watch out, because those who commit adultery could I fall prey to that? Yes. Those who commit fornication, could I fall prey? Yes. What about uncleanness, uncontrolled passion? Yes. And what about lewdness? Yes. And so what is the idea of lewdness that we look at today, that any of us can fall prey too in our lives? Well, it is the idea of what is called lasciviousness, or the old word of wantonness. But really what it means is the outrageous conduct of an individual. So there's an uncontrolled, outrageous conduct, but there's even clearer definition from the "Strong's" that we see in the original Word. And I'll just read it to you, because I think it really helps us to understand what this word itself means. Lewdness means a violent spite, which rejects restraint and indulges in lawless insolence. Now that sounds kind of thick, or hairy when you read it, so to speak, but think about what it means, a violent spite. When I think about being spiteful, or even violently spiteful, that I'm going to do something, and I'm gonna do it no matter what. And I don't care what my parents told me. And I don't care what other people say, I'm going to do it, and I don't care who it hurts. See, a violent spite, which rejects restraint. So it's an uncontrolled spite. I'm gonna do it and I know it's wrong, but I'm gonna do it anyway. An uncontrolled restraint, a violent spite, with an uncontrolled restraint, that engages in what, it indulges in lawless things, such as in this case, unrighteousness, passions, uncontrolled passions. And even the idea inclusive here would be the idea of lust. That which is against what is really a controlled and proper passion, and what is an uncontrolled. The fact is, God made us beings who are passionate beings. We can be passionate in many mental ways. Our character, we can have a passionate character, and we can really engage and enjoy things, or really participate. And we can have a very, maybe passionate fleshly nature. Those things aren't wrong within the proper venues of what God has established, you see. But where they become wrong is when we allow that lawlessness to indulge ourselves in things that are lawless, the lewd, the lewd things. And we don't have restraint, or control, and therefore we even do it in a spiteful and violent spiteful way. So what would that suggest? It would suggest that I do it, even against God. I do it even against God. I engage in something that I'm out of control, and is even lawless, based on what the Bible says. But I'm gonna do it, I don't care what God says. You say, "Well, people aren't like that." Well, sure they are, sure they are. There have been many folks that I've met with before in relationship to the trials of their life, that have come and visited with me, or wanted counseling, and we've discussed things. And I've said, "Well, look what the Bible says here." And they say, "Well, I know the Bible says that, but I'm gonna do it anyway." They literally will tell you, "I'm gonna do it anyway." I know that I shouldn't be engaging in such things, but that's something I enjoy, and I'm gonna do it anyway. And if they don't come out directly and say it, which you'll be surprised that many people will, "I know what's wrong, I know it's simple. I know that according to the Bible it says I'll lose my soul. I'm not changing. It's something that I enjoy." You see again, the sad reality of where the world is, where the world has always been, and why we've gotta be so cautious. I think sometimes the best way to understand the word is to see it used within other texts. And so what I'd like to do with the remainder of our time is to look at several verses, and see where this same word lewdness is used. Paul used it over, as he spoke to the church, the Christians at Rome there, in Romans 13. And notice what is said there in verse 13, as he's just talked about the fact that we must put on Christ, and walk in Christ, and put away the old man. He says, "Let us then walk properly, according to Christ, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, and not in lewdness and lust." You see there? He says, "The walk of God is a walk that is of Christ's righteousness. And those things such as lewdness, or revelries, or drunkenness, or strife and envious," he goes on to say, these are passions, uncontrolled passions that are against the things of God. So the first thing we know is that lewdness has no place walking within the Spirit, or the walking within Christ. They are against, in fact, that very thing. If you go over several books there, you'll find in 2 Corinthians in chapter 12, Paul again to the Church of Corinth, I might remind you these were Christians, but they're in chapter 12 in verse 21 he says, "Lest when I come against," he says, "I'm about to come to you, and I fear what I'm gonna find, because," he says, "I know that you've been engaged and involved in sins, even after becoming a Christian, many of you have returned." That's what the first book of Corinthians, and now the second book also deals with. But then he says, "Lest, when I come again, my God will humble me, and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before, and not repented of uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness," which they are practicing. He says, "Many of you Christians," in what day? "Several thousand years ago," are doing what? "They're guilty of lewdness and these other types of sins." Can we be guilty of such? Yes. The Christian walk, the one as we have seen, who loves God, who loves Christ who wants to be righteous, who is in the Spirit, is against these things, because they've died to these things, and they should live to Christ, and they've repented of such. And he's challenging the Corinthians here that they must repent again. In Ephesians 4, he again says that we walk as a new man. And again, lewdness has no part in the walk of the new creation. The one who has died to the old man, and the one who has lived unto Christ in the things of Christ. And I really found one that I thought was interesting there in the book of Jude, you know, next to the last book of the Bible there, Revelation, but in Jude 1:4, as he's warning them about those who might be false teachers, he says, "There are men who have crept in amongst you unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for condemnation, ungodly men." But notice what he says about thee, "These men have turned the grace of God into lewdness and denied the only Lord." Wow, can you imagine someone who knows the Word, who studies the Word, who maybe has been a Christian, that's who he is talking about. And yet now they as men of God have turned away from God, even to lewdness. Well, it's obviously not talking about a literally a physical, or fleshly, or sexual thing. He's now talking about the one who has allowed violent spite against God to say, "I'm going to do whatever, and I'm not going to restrain or control myselves, but I will choose sin. I will choose sensual things." You see, this is my challenge for us today, because we clearly have this word throughout the New Testament 10 times used to warn the faithful not to be caught up, like the world, in the things of the world, the actions, the sins of the world, because we've died to those things as Christians, as the church. But rather, let us be those who live to Christ, who walk according to the will of Christ, and who stay away from any of those things, such as are mentioned here, and even the such like Galatians 5, that would keep us from the kingdom of God, because I know we're all joining in today, and we're all studying the Word of God and worshiping because we love God, and we wanna go to heaven. We want to be a part of the kingdom of God. So may we live every day in such a way to put God first, and live according to his will, and know that by doing so, we'll be blessed now, but also blessed eternally. ♪ How shall the young secure their hearts ♪ ♪ And guard their lives from sin ♪ ♪ Thy Word, the choicest rules impart ♪ ♪ To keep the conscience clean ♪ ♪ Keep the conscience clean ♪ ♪ To keep the conscience clean ♪ ♪ 'Tis like the sun, a heav'nly light ♪ ♪ That guides us all the day ♪ ♪ And through the dangers of the night ♪ ♪ A lamp to lead our way ♪ ♪ A lamp to lead our way ♪ ♪ A lamp to lead our way ♪ ♪ Thy Word is everlasting truth ♪ ♪ How pure is every page ♪ ♪ That holy Book shall guide our youth ♪ ♪ And well support our age ♪ ♪ And well support our age ♪ ♪ And well support our age ♪ >>Again, let me thank you for choosing to be with us this morning. I hope we have all been encouraged through our time spent together, and remember that you're invited to join us every Sunday morning at 7:30 as we give this time to our Creator. But for now let me ask you, if you have any questions or comments about today's lesson, maybe like a free transcript, or a free CD or DVD of the program, or possibly we could assist you with free Bible materials, or free Bible correspondent courses? No matter what your need is, please feel free to contact us at the following address, "The Living Word," 2540 North Kansas Expressway, Springfield, Missouri, 65803. Many of these items are also available on our website. That address, thelivingwordprogram.com. Or if you prefer, you may call us at 417-869-2284. May we all strive to understand the warnings of God's Word clearly, so we won't make the mistakes of doing things which are against God. With this in mind, may we stay away from lewdness, for it is not according to the character of God, and it is actually the opposite of what God wants of those who show forth his light to a lost and dying world. >>Our prayer is to help the world know more about God through this television program. "The Living Word" has been brought to you under the oversight of the elders of the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ in Springfield, Missouri, with the assistance of the following area Churches of Christ. ♪ To seek and save the lost ♪ ♪ Give me the Bible, holy message shining ♪ ♪ Thy light shall guide thee in the narrow way ♪ ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪ ♪ 'Til night shall vanish in eternal ♪